Rubén González Cuerva y Alexander Koller (eds.)
Brill, Agosto 2017
Varios miembros del Instituto Universitario «La Corte en Europa» participan en esta nueva obra, publicada por Brill y editada por Rubén González Cuerva y Alexander Koller, investigadores de referencia del IULCE.
A Europe of Courts, a Europe of Factions ofrece un análisis de los grupos políticos de las Cortes europeas más representativas de los siglos XVI y XVII, análisis que, más allá del estudio de caso, consigue presentar la primera panorámica comparativa del fenómeno del faccionalismo cortesano.
Photography of a Ghost: Factions in Early Modern Courts
Rubén González Cuerva and Alexander Koller
LONDON Redefining Faction at the Tudor Court
Janet Dickinson
PARIS Faction, alliance and Political Action in Early Modern France: The Dilemma of Antoine de Bourbon King of Navarre in 1559–1562
David Potter
ROME International Politics, Factions and Parties in the Roman Curia During the Late 16th Century
Maria Antonietta Visceglia
ISTANBUL Meritocracy, Factionalism and Ottoman Grand Admirals in the Context of Mediterranean Politics
Evrim Türkçelik
MADRID Factions and Political Groups at Philip II’s Court: Albists vs Ebolists
José Martínez Millán
VIENNA/PRAGUE The Dynastic Network between the Imperial and the Spanish Courts (1556–1619)
Rubén González Cuerva and Pavel Marek
BRUSSELS Hawks, Doves and Magpies: The Business of Faction at the Court of the Archdukes
Luc Duerloo
VENICE Giovani and vecchi: The Factionary Spirit in 16th and 17th Centuries Patrician Venice between Myth and Reality
Stefano Andretta
NANCY Court Faction Overwhelmed by Circumstance: The Duchy of Lorraine Torn between Bourbon and Habsburg, 1624–1737
Jonathan Spangler
TURIN Delineating Early Modern Factions: A Unique 17th Century Document
Toby Osborne
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